Advanced Weight Management Solutions
You Deserve to be Treated by an Expert in Metabolism
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss.
Weight loss strategies must be customized to each person's individual metabolic needs.
If it is not done correctly, patients will lose more than just fat, they will lose lean muscle and bone.
That's why patients deserve the expertise of a physician board certified in Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Whether your goal is to lose weight on your own, use medication, plan for bariatric surgery or maintain a bariatric surgery we must give you the tools you need to succeed in your new life.
PHASE 1: Discovery
• Initial consultation with physician
- Measure waist, neck, and BMI
- Examine psychosocial components for weight gain
- Rule out/treat underlying causes for weight gain
- Gene testing for rare disorders of obesity
- Identify optimal medication approaches
• Start gathering data: food habits, calorie needs
• Begin incorporating movement into daily life
• Prepare for Phase 2
PHASE 2: Get Down to Business
• Undergo body composition testing
• Understand Basal Metabolic Rate
• Target optimal calorie intake
• Develop custom timeline for weight loss
• Begin to “unlearn” negative food habits
• Explore meal replacement tools and strategies
• Enhance activity and promote strength training for increasing lean mass
• Ongoing support for questions and challenges
• Prepare for Phase 3
PHASE 3: Lifelong Learning
• After achieving goal loss, enter the Maintenance Phase
• Learn how to reincorporate meal planning and further develop intuitive eating
• Plan for how to taper or eliminate meal replacements
• Ongoing support for questions and challenges
PHASE 4: Live Your Best Life!

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1900 Matlock Rd, Ste 304
Mansfield, TX 76063 - (817) 380-4880
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